Thursday, November 13, 2008


President-Elect Barack Obama

I like Obama. But, I've got concerns and questions. So, let's get started:
1) 9/11 - Reopen the investigation. Bring the true perpetrators to justice.
- If Obama shuts down Guantanamo, the U.S. is in a perfect position to properly investigate the crimes committed on September 11, 2001 at 8:45 AM.
2) Civil Rights - Obama is a Civil rights attorney. That's one of the reasons I voted for him in the election. My expectation is that Civil Rights Legislation is better enforced through out the U.S.
3) Make peace with Rev. Wright. Rev. Wright's reputation has been ruined by the right wing during their use of the Rev. as a vehicle to attack Obama. I disagreed with Obama's dismissal of Rev. Wright as a way of defending himself from the Republican attacks. At least now, Obama can correct this mistake. Otherwise, I continue to have trouble fully trusting Barack Obama.
4) Paint the White House the color Black; then, call it the Black House. (just kidding).

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